Business Studies
Students in Year 10 will learn about how Business employees, drive an organisation forward.
Year 10
Year 10 students are currently studying GCSE Business.
This gives students the concepts, issues and skills involved in running a business. In year 10 student will concentrate on small businesses they will develop an understanding of the independent nature of a business activity. Year 10 will look at 5 topic areas, Enterprise and entrepreneur ship, spotting a business opportunity, putting a business idea into practise, making a business effective and understanding external influences on a business. Students must draw on their knowledge and understanding of Theme 1 topics to apply a range of quantitative skills relevant to business contexts. This includes calculations and the interpretation, use and limitation of quantitative and qualitative data in business contexts to support, inform and justify business decisions.
Year 11
Year 11 Students are currently follow BTEC Tech Award in Enterprise:
Students in Year 11 will learn about how enterprising employees, drive an organisation forward. They will look into having ideas and initiatives to instigate growth and understand how businesses in this fast-changing world need to continually develop. This award will give students the opportunity to develop sector-specific knowledge and skills in a theoretical learning environment.
•Component 1: Students will study different enterprises to develop their knowledge and understanding of the characteristics of enterprises and the skills needed by entrepreneurs (Internal assessed through coursework, 30% of the course).
•Component 3: Students will explore the different promotional methods used by enterprises and the factors that influence how enterprises identify and target their market. Students will explore financial documents and how to use them, to monitor and improve the performance of an enterprise, in order to make decisions and recommend strategies for success (Externally assessed in a 2 hour exam; in year 11 only, 40% of the course).