Grammar Progression – Our KS3 curriculum in Languages is lead by grammar rather than vocabulary or topics. In order to progress in a language students must understand how it is built and interconnected.
Our KS3 curriculum has been designed so that grammar is sequenced starting with basics in year 7 and building on grammatical concepts to the end of Year 9.
Grammar elements are then interleaved to allow students to master them at various stages.
Language patterns are explored, so that students develop the ability to manipulate the language to express themselves.
Retrieval Practice – This is at the heart of our language learning methodology. Excellent progress can only happen once students are able to successfully store and retrieve information from their long-term memory. Independant learning on Languagenut, alongside well-planned retrieval in lessons, enables students to frequently access past vocabulary and concepts.
Year 7
In Year 7 students study German which, for most students, is a language they have not had the opportunity to learn. Around three classes in each year group also have the opportunity to study French. The topics covered will include, giving and understanding information about yourself, family, pets, free time, hobbies, school and town.
Grammar will cover present, future tenses, giving and justifying opinions, word order and using modal verbs.
Students will be expected to learn vocabulary on a fortnightly basis using Languagenut, which is an online vocabulary learning app. Students will gain experience in all 4 skills of reading, writing, speaking, and listening. This will include understanding longer texts, using dictionaries, developing prediction strategies for listening, producing extended and varied pieces of writing, improving pronunciation in speaking and being able to talk at length about a topic.
Year 8
In year 8 students continue to increase their vocabulary and understanding of language formation begun in year 7. Students will build on their previous knowledge becoming more confident in their use of the language(s). The topics will include, giving and understanding information about holidays, cinema, reading, television programmes, social media, healthy living, daily routines, and house and home. Grammar will also build on from year 7 and also include perfect and imperfect tenses, questioning, prepositions and adjectival endings.
Students will be expected to learn vocabulary on a fortnightly basis using Languagenut, which is an online vocabulary learning app. Students will gain experience in all 4 skills of reading, writing, speaking, and listening. This will include reading for gist, practicing a variety of tenses, developing note taking skills and using language creatively in new contexts.
Year 9
In year 9 students will be consolidating the skills and knowledge taught previously in order to prepare them for the GCSE course. The topics will include role models, music, part time jobs & pocket money, clothing and school.
Grammar will continue to build on from years 7 and 8 and also include practicing tenses, comparatives, superlatives and using conjunctions Students will gain experience in all 4 skills of reading, writing, speaking, and listening. This will include tackling longer texts, writing with accuracy, spontaneous speaking, understanding formal and informal register, transcribing and decoding language, understanding detail, developing ideas and using authentic and literary texts.
Students will be expected to learn vocabulary on a fortnightly basis using Languagenut, which is an online vocabulary learning app.
Students will also continue to develop the skills to work independently, in pairs or in small groups.
Year 10
In year 10 students will be consolidating the skills and knowledge taught previously in order to prepare them for the GCSE examination. The AQA course which students will follow consists of 100% external assessment. This is 25% assessment weightings per skill (listening, speaking, reading and writing). There will also be short translations from and into German. There are also some questions in German in the reading and listening paper.
Students will cover 3 themes over the 2 year course of identity and culture; local, national, international and global areas of interest; and current and future study and employment. In year 10 this will include the topics of school, free time, relationships and health, for German. French classes will include family and friendships, technolog and freetime, customs and social issues.
Students will be expected to learn vocabulary on a fortnightly basis using “Languagenut”, which is an online vocabulary learning app.
In speaking students will be aiming to convey information and narrate events coherently and confidently, speak spontaneously, responding to unpredictable questions, points of view or situations, use a range of vocabulary and grammatical structures accurately, including some more complex forms, with reference to past, present and future events and make creative and more complex use of the language, as appropriate, to express and justify their own thoughts and points of view.
In writing students will need to make accurate use of a variety of vocabulary and grammatical structures and reference to past, present and future events and make independent, creative and more complex use of the language, as appropriate, to note down key points, express and justify individual thoughts and points of view in order to interest, inform or convince.
Students will follow the GCSE Stimmt course which has independent learning tasks, as well as end of chapter examination revision sections which contain tips and strategies for the examinations.
Year 11
In year 11 students will be preparing for the GCSE examination. The AQA course which students will follow consists of 100% external assessment. This is 25% assessment weightings per skill (listening, speaking, reading and writing). There will also be short translations from and into German. There are also some questions in German in the reading and listening paper.
Students will cover 3 themes over the 2 year course of identity and culture; local, national, international and global areas of interest; and current and future study and employment. In year 11 German, this will include the topics of career and employment, global and environmental issues and holidays. In year 11 French, this will include global issues, travel and tourism and future studies, jobs and careers.
Students will be expected to learn vocabulary on a weekly basis using Languagenut, which is an online vocabulary learning app.
In speaking students will be aiming to convey information and narrate events coherently and confidently, speak spontaneously, responding to unpredictable questions, points of view or situations, use a range of vocabulary and grammatical structures accurately, including some more complex forms, with reference to past, present and future events and make creative and more complex use of the language, as appropriate, to express and justify their own thoughts and points of view.
Students will have one lesson per fortnight up to the spring term which will be dedicated to speaking practice. From the start of the spring term lessons will focus on preparing for the speaking exam.
In writing students will need to make accurate use of a variety of vocabulary and grammatical structures and reference to past, present and future events and make independent, creative and more complex use of the language, as appropriate, to note down key points, express and justify individual thoughts and points of view in order to interest, inform or convince.
Masterclasses will focus on practice examination papers and improving vocabulary skills. Students will follow the GCSE Stimmt/Kerboodle course which has independent learning tasks, as well as end of chapter examination revision sections which contain tips and strategies for the examinations.