Physical Education
Physical Education curriculum has been designed to teach pupils how to live a healthy lifestyle, understand the importance of fitness, teamwork and promote confidence through leadership skills.
Year 7
We pride ourselves on offering opportunities to improve personal and social development, reflecting an ethos of respect, fair play, determination and excellence. The aim is to promote a life-long love of participating in physical activity. Pupils receive two lessons of Physical Education each week in Year 7 and will be taught Games, Trampolining, Athletics, Health Related Fitness, Orienteering and Dance. The games will consist of Netball, Football, Rugby, Handball, Table Tennis, Badminton and Rounders.
Year 8
The Year 8 Physical Educational curriculum has been designed to build up on the skills and qualities developed in Year 7. Pupils receive two lessons of Physical Education each week in Year 8. Pupils will be taught Games, Trampolining, Athletics, Health Related Fitness, Orienteering and Dance. Games will consist of Netball, Football, Rugby, Handball, Table Tennis, Badminton, Rounders and Softball. Core skills will be developed and some of the advanced skills under competitive pressure in authentic performance situations will be developed too.
Year 9
The Year 9 Physical Education curriculum has been designed to build up on the previous two years and to prepare all pupils for the challenges of the GCSE PE/BTEC Sports courses that pupils may select as one of their pathway options.
Pupils receive two lessons of Physical Education over a week in Year 9. Pupils will be taught Games, Trampolining, Athletics, Health Related Fitness, Orienteering and Dance. Games will consist of Netball, Football, Rugby, Handball, Table Tennis, Badminton, Rounders and Softball. The core skills will be mastered and advanced skills will be performed with consistency whilst under competitive pressure in authentic performance situations. Also pupils will understand and be able to implement and enforce the rules and regulations of each sport.
Year 10
The GCSE PE pupils follow the OCR 1-9 specification. This course requires pupils to be assessed in three practical sports which must be a mixture of team and individual activities, one controlled assessment and two written examinations. During year 10 pupils will take part in a range of sports and activities which require them to work both individually and as part of a team. Pupils will select their three strongest sports that will be assessed in for their qualification. The sports will be assessed on Range of Skills, Quality of Skills, Physical Attributes and Decision Making.
During theory lessons students will complete component 1 (Physical Factors Affecting Performance) of the course which covers the topics, Applied Anatomy and Physiology and Physical Training. Pupils will be required to complete written homework on a regular basis and ensure they revise and prepare for frequent written assessments.
Year 11
The GCSE PE pupils follow the OCR 1-9 specification. This course requires pupils to be assessed in three practical sports which must be a mixture of team and individual activities, one controlled assessment and two written examinations. During year 11 pupils will work specifically on their three selected sports that will be assessed for the qualification. They will be working on improving the execution of core and advanced skills during competitive situations as well as in isolation.
This will account to 40% of the final grade awarded. During theory lessons students will complete component 2 (Socio-Cultural Issues) of the course which covers the topics, Socio-cultural influences, Sports Psychology and Health, Fitness and Well-Being. Students will be required to complete written homework on a regular basis and ensure they revise and prepare for frequent written assessments. This will be in preparation for the two examinations the end of year 11 that will be 60% of the final grade awarded.
The BTEC Sport pupils will complete the final two of the four units they need to complete by the end of year 11. Unit 5, Training for Personal Fitness, this unit will cover pupils creating a 6 week fitness training programme to improve a particular aspect of fitness. The other unit completed in year 11 is Unit 6 Leading Sports Activities, this unit will cover pupils planning and leading a sporting activity to a class or group.