Key Stage 4 Combined Science
Key Stage 4 combined science (AQA Trilogy 8464): This course starts in year 9 after and takes them through until the end of year 11. All students who do not chose triple science as an option will take this route. They will be awarded with two GCSE grades which will be an average of the 6 exams they sit (two Biology, two Chemistry and two Physics). Each of the papers will assess knowledge and understanding from distinct topic. Multiple choice, structured, closed short answer, and open response. Students will cover the three sciences: Biology, Chemistry and Physics. This qualification is linear. Linear means that students will sit all their exams at the end of the course. The content they will be taught is:
Biology: Cell Biology, Organisation, Infection and response, Bioenergetics, Homeostasis and response, Inheritance, variation and evolution, Ecology.
Chemistry: Atomic structure and the periodic table, Bonding, structure, and the properties of matter, Quantitative Chemistry, Chemical changes, Energy changes, The rate and extent of chemical change, Organic Chemistry, Chemical analysis, Chemistry of the atmosphere, Using resources.
Physics: Energy, Electricity, Particle model of matter, Atomic structure, Forces, Waves, Magnetism and electromagnetism.