Our curriculum consists of seven elements which include electronics, energy, plastic, new technologies, programing and papers and boards.
Year 7
The year 7 curriculum has six elements in which our learners focus on over throughout the year; paper and boards, polymers, fabrics, smart materials, programming and mechanisms.
•The pillars of learning are delivered through knowledge based learning and practical application. The knowledge based practical activities have a focus on accuracy and quality of finish, with skills for life at heart of everything taught. Year 7 learners have the opportunity to utilise our specialist workshops and develop products using laser cutters, 3D printers, CNC routers and Autodesk.
•Within the first half term, learners will gain knowledge of health and safety in the workshop, and have the opportunity to use a wide range of hand tools and electrical machinery.
•Food technology is introduced in year 7 with a focus of safety in the food room. Learners apply the knowledge gained to make conductive dough.
Year 8
The year 8 curriculum consists of 6 pillars of learning with focussed practical activities being a vehicle for learning. The curriculum focusses on industry links and careers in the subject area.
•The elements of learning for year 8 are; electronics, environment, energy, timbers, new technologies and metals. Learners have the opportunity to embed the knowledge gained in year 7 through practical and knowledge based tasks and activities.
•Food Technology – Learners have the opportunity to investigate healthy eating, with a focus on nutrition. Learners utilise the food room, learning about hygiene and making healthy options such as pasta salad.
•Computer Aided Design (CAD) – leaners use Autodesk, an industry standard CAD software package to produce drawings in isometric and orthographic. Within our dedicated CAD/CAM room learners have the opportunity to turn their drawings into models, through the utilisation of our 3D printers and CNC routers.
Year 9
Textiles Technology
•Learners in year 9 have a focused program of study, with a focus on industrial links and learning for life. There are currently four main areas of year 9 technology; Food, Textiles, Engineering and Product Design. In Textiles learners will gain the in-depth knowledge required at GCSE. Learners will have the opportunity to design develop and make a textile product. They will learn a range of smart materials and decorative techniques, to build confidence and consolidate learning in Year 7 and 8.
Food Technology
•For year 9 food technology, learners will learn the basics of food hygiene and procedures for preventing food spoilage and poisoning. They will have the opportunity to create a range of dishes such as pasta salads, curries, chow mein and pastry dishes. Learners will become confident in using a range of equipment in the food room with a link to industry. Students will focus on plastics, environment and recycling during this topic of study.
•Year 9 engineering learners will develop an understanding of engineering roles. They will use industry standard computer design software to produce 3D modelling, engineering drawings to correct British Standards, with a focus of combining modern and traditional methods of drawing. Learners work to tolerances of 0.25mm+/-. The engineering curriculum is linked to new technologies, electronics and programming.
•Product Design
•Year 9 learners work independently to plan and manufacture a passive amplifier. This practical work will be supported by materials theory on timber, paper and boards. Learners have the opportunity to design using CAD and program the laser cutter to cut out their designs. Over the course of this topic, learners will improve their independence and confidence in the workshop, developing vital practical skills in preparation for KS4.
Year 10 and 11
Learners have the opportunity to opt for one of 4 areas of Design and Technology in year 9, with a mixture of GCSE and vocational qualifications.
The examinable subjects we offer at year 10/11 are;
Engineering Design (OCR)
GCSE Design and Technology (WJEC)
Engineering Manufacture (OCR)
Hospitality and Catering (WJEC)
Engineering Design
OCR Level 1/Level 2 Cambridge National in Engineering Design
•During the two-year OCR Engineering Design course, learners produce two units of coursework which are internally assessed, and count towards their full grade at the end of year 11. They also complete a third unit consisting of a written exam that is externally assessed and sat at the end of year 11.
•The two units of coursework that they produce, one which is completed in year 10 and the second in year 11 have two different focusses.
•The skills they are taught and put into practice are various hand drawn design skills both technical and creative which include isometric, exploded and orthographic. As well as three-dimensional drawing on Autodesk CAD package which is industry standard.
•The second unit focusses on research, analysis, disassembly, Autodesk CAD drawings, planning for making and producing a prototype based on a set drawing. This coursework is all presented as an assignment in a typed-up document.
Engineering Manufacture
OCR Level 1/Level 2 Cambridge National in Engineering Manufacture
The OCR Cambridge National Engineering Manufacture qualification is designed to help develop knowledge, understanding and practical skills that would be used in the engineering, manufacturing, process and control sectors.
Pupils will study the key aspects of engineering manufacture and will have the opportunity to apply what they learn through a range of practical experiences. To complete the course, they will need successfully work through three mandatory units. Two of these units are internally assessed coursework units and the third is an externally assessed exam unit. The exam requires students to understand manufacturing processes, engineering materials, manufacturing requirements and developments in engineering manufacture.
The first coursework unit will be completed in year 10 and will require students to be able to plan and accurately manufacture a specific product using hand tools and manual machinery.
The second coursework unit is completed in year 11. In this unit, students will learn how to manufacture and use jigs and templates to support manufacturing in volume. This will include the use of CAD software and computer aided manufacturing equipment such as 3D printers, CNC lathes and laser cutters.
Design Technology GCSE
The Eduqas GCSE design technology curriculum is split into two sections. The first part is a written exam (Unit 1) which equates to 50% of the learners overall grade. The second part is a controlled assessment (Unit 2) which goes towards the remaining 50% of their grade. Both elements of the course are completed in the second year of course. Year 10 consists of skills and knowledge based learning in preparation for Year 11. Over the course of Year 10 and 11, learners will build on the knowledge gained at KS3 in the 12 pillars of learning which include timbers, metals, plastics, fibres, energy, electronics, new technologies and the environment.
Learners can choose to specialise in one area, either textiles or product design. This will form the basis of their portfolio.
Textiles specialism:
Year 11 Textiles is based upon learners gaining key skills and knowledge that will enable them to construct a high quality product in Year 11. Learners will make a range of textiles products that will challenge and encourage creativity whilst giving them a wealth of knowledge in both the practical and the theoretical aspect of the textiles specification.
Hospitality and Catering
The hospitality and catering award is split into two sections. The first part is a written exam which equates to 40% of the learners overall grade. The second part is a controlled assessment which is the remaining 60% of the qualification.
In Year 10 learners will learn the hospitality specification in preparation for their exam in year 11. Learners will also practice practical skills and prepare a number of dishes in various areas such as pastry, bread making, dairy and meat.
In year 11 they will cook two dishes in a three hour practical exam and produce a portfolio of coursework.
In Year 10 learners will learn the hospitality specification in preparation for their exam that year. Learners will also practice practical skills and prepare a number of dishes in various areas such as pastry, bread making, dairy and meat.