Written by Andrew Thewell, 23rd November 2022

Green-fingered Students in School Garden Club

An update from our green-fingered gurus in the School Garden Club, who continue to keep the school’s grounds immaculate. The garden, at the back of the Quad and Library building,...

Written by Andrew Thewell, 23rd November 2022

Duke of Edinburgh Achievements

A massive congratulations to our Year 10 students who successfully completed their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh’s Award on the weekend of 22nd October. The students navigated through Ashworth Valley for...

Written by Andrew Thewell, 23rd November 2022

Students Given Crash Course in Military Life

Middleton Technology School students across two year groups were given a crash course in military life throughout this fortnight. A collection of eager Year 10 students spent Wednesday 5th October...

Written by Andrew Thewell, 12th September 2022

Summer Sporting Round-up

An update on two of the school’s star athletes, already highlighted last month. We are delighted to report that both Niamh and Dindu – our 75m hurdler and 100m sprinter...

Written by Andrew Thewell, 12th September 2022

Go Go Go for F1 in Schools team

It’s almost lights out and away we go as Middleton Technology School’s F1 in Schools team are all prepared for race day in July! The team have given up their...

Written by Andrew Thewell, 12th September 2022

University of Salford Campus Life..

Year 9 students spent Tuesday 14th June taking in campus life with a whirlwind tour of the University of Salford. Spending time in a lecture theatre learning about the higher...

Written by Andrew Thewell, 12th September 2022

Sporting Round-up

Congratulations to our Year 7 and 8 Athletic teams, both of whom prevailed victorious from May’s Rochdale Schools Quadkids Athletics events at Kingsway Park School. A team-based competition which sees...

Written by Andrew Thewell, 12th September 2022

Students Taste the Difference

Middleton Technology School’s culinary creatives attended a mouth-watering Hospitality Industry Taster Day at Manchester College on Tuesday 10th May. With the opportunity to watch live cooking demonstrations, as well as...

Written by Andrew Thewell, 2nd May 2022

Reading Stars Shine in English

Key Stage 3 students received lovingly-crafted seasonal gifts pre-holidays as reward for a showcase of brilliant reading. A set of Easter chicks, each containing a Cadbury’s Crème Egg, were hand-knitted...

Written by Andrew Thewell, 2nd May 2022

Students explore the culture and historic richness of France.

Year 8 and 9 students had the experience of a lifetime during the first week of their Easter break, exploring the capital, culture and historic richness of France. A late...