Local Governing Committee

At Middleton Technology School, the Local Governing Committee is responsible for monitoring and reviewing the operational day-to-day running of the Academy. The Clerk for the Local Governing Committee is Hannah Abbott. To contact the Chair of Governors please email the Clerk on habbott@gaet.co.uk

Local Governing Committee

Governor NameGovernor TypeDate of AppointmentDate Term EndsAppointed by
Joanne Draper (Chair)Trustee Governor15/10/201915/10/2027Trustees
Barbara Waters (Vice Chair)Trustee Governor25/09/201925/09/2027Trustees
Christine BattisonParent Governor02/02/202102/02/2025Parents
Robert DugdillParent Governor31/10/202331/10/2027Parents
Michael SherrattTrustee Governor25/09/201925/09/2027Trustees
Fizzah NiaziTrustee Governor12/03/202412/03/2028Trustees
Tom Brookes-HowarthTrustee Governor10/10/202210/10/2026Trustees
Uzair AliTrustee Governor23/05/202423/05/2028Trustees
Osian StrelloStaff Governor02/02/202102/02/2025Staff
Neil PalmerStaff Governor01/01/201810/03/2026Staff

Historical Governors (left in the last 12 months)

Governor NameGovernor TypeDate of
Date Term EndsAppointed by

Middleton Technology School LGC meeting attendance in 2023/2024

Governor NameAttended meetingsPossible meetingsPercentage attended
Joanne Draper (Chair)4666.67%
Barbara Waters (Vice Chair)66100.00%
Uzair Ali11100.00%
Christine Battison66100.00%
Tom Brookes-Howarth66100.00%
Robert Dugdill4666.67%
Fizzah Niazi2366.67%
Neil Palmer5683.33%
Mike Sherratt4666.67%
Osian Strello66100%

Register of Business and Pecuniary Interests 2024/2025

Governor Name Position Held Nature of Business Business Entity Role within the Interest Date of Declaration
Joanne DraperTrustee Governor (Chair)Junior SportChadderton FCJunior Section- Chair/
Barbara Waters Trustee Governor (Vice Chair)Business or financeTextile InstituteCommittee Member & Chair08/10/2024
Business or financeChartered Institute of MarketingMember (FCIM Chartered Marketer)08/10/2024
Business or financeUniversity of ManchesterEmployee08/10/2024
Business or financeASBCI (Association of Suppliers to the British Clothing Industry)Director and Chair of the Student Committee08/10/2024
Christine BattisonParent GovernorBusiness or financeA&U Dental SurgeriesClinical Director02/09/2024
Business or financeGDCRegistered Dentist02/09/2024
Business or financeBDABritish Dental Association Member02/09/2024
Tom Brookes-HowarthTrustee GovernorBusiness or financeAmbition InstituteEmployee15/09/2024
Rob DugdillParent GovernorGovernanceParkfield Primary SchoolGovernance role10/09/2024
GovernanceSunnybrow Nursery SchoolGovernance role10/09/2024
Michael Sherratt Trustee GovernorNone declared None declared None declared 27/09/2024
Neil PalmerStaff GovernorNone declaredNone declaredNone declared15/09/2024
Osian StrelloStaff GovernorNone declaredNone declaredNone declared10/10/2024
Janine KellettPrincipalEducationRochdale PioneersTrust Director10/09/2024
Uzair AliTrustee GovernorNone declaredNone declaredNone declared16/09/2024
Fizzah NiaziTrustee GovernorBusiness InterestMed Emp Ltd (Now dissolved)Director11/10/2024

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