Home School Agreement
We believe that a strong home-school partnership will make us an even more successful school.
Our home-school partnership is important to us for very good reasons. We have a vital role to play in the lives of all our students by helping them access the highest quality education.
Each individual child contributes to the success of MTS by way of their attitude and achievements. However, family influences have a powerful effect upon children’s attitudes and achievement.
It is a proven fact that if parents show high levels of support for the school and take an active interest in their child’s schooling these students progress 15% further in Maths and reading than other children. Where the home-school link is strong there are also fewer problems related to work and behaviour.
Our partnership is of paramount importance and the home-school agreement is a reflection of our trust in each other and the ability of the school, parents and students to work together. It outlines the rights and responsibilities we all have towards each other.
I hope that you and your child will read this agreement with care and thoughtfulness because you are not just signing a piece of paper. You are making a strong commitment to work with us to provide your child with the very best education and grounding for the future that we can give them – together!
We always want to improve our service to you and the quality of education that we provide for your child. You can help us in two ways:
- Come and join our parents’ consultation group. We would like interested parents to give us their views on how we can do things better for all our children. More information on this will follow.
- Let us know if you think we can improve this document in any way to strengthen our partnership with you and your child.
The Student
I want to be successful at MTS and will
- Arrive at school on time in full school uniform – worn correctly.
- Be fully equipped (including diary) for all my lessons, including PE.
- Work hard in all lessons, co-operate with others and listen carefully to my teachers and peers.
- Follow and respect the rules set down for my safety and to help me to learn.
- Record, complete and hand in all homework on time.
- Behave responsibly in class, in the corridors and playground at social times and whilst travelling to and from school whether I am walking or riding on the bus.
- Support the school’s anti-bullying policy and show respect to all who work at MTS.
- Take care of the school and its property by using equipment sensibly and not dropping litter.
- Participate fully in extra curricular activities, attend homework clubs and extra learning sessions such as Easter and Summer school and Saturday morning classes.
The Parent Carer
I want my child to be successful at MTS and will
- Ensure my child attends school regularly and arrives on time.
- Ensure my child arrives at school in full school uniform with the correct equipment.
- Support the school’s learning policy by reinforcing class room expectations and rules through discussion with my child.
- Support the school’s behaviour policy by reinforcing class room expectations and rules through discussion with my child.
- Support the school’s homework policy by providing a quiet space and privacy at home for my child to concentrate and learn in.
- Attend parents’ consultation evenings.
- Respond to letters and staff recommendations.
- Inform school promptly of any problems my child may have and keep the school informed of any change in home circumstances.
- Take an interest in my child’s schoolwork and praise, encourage and reward my child for his/her effort.
The School
We want your child to be successful at MTS and will
- Provide well planned, well taught, interesting and stimulating lessons in a safe, orderly and disciplined learning environment.
- Set regular and reasonable homework.
- Mark and assess students’ work in order to provide positive feedback on how they may improve their academic performance. This will involve setting reasonable and challenging targets for improvement.
- Inform parents promptly of any problems with learning, behaviour, attitude, effort or attendance.
- Treat all students in a fair, reasonable and consistent manner.
- Provide parents with a clear and helpful written report of their child’s progress each academic year.
- Provide the opportunity to meet and consult with parents during each academic year.
- Provide opportunities for parents to share the benefits of our resources, facilities and equipment so they can help themselves and their children to learn more effectively.
- To support this more information about each subject, in every year group can be found here:
Year 7 (padlet.org)
Year 8 (padlet.org)
Year 9 (padlet.org)
Year 10 (padlet.org)