Exams StudentsExams Exam Documents Below Year 11 Art Controlled Assessment Schedule 2025pdf, 20.4 KB Year 11 GCSE Summer Timetable 2025pdf, 52.7 KB Examinations Booklet 2024-2025pdf, 926.8 KB Examination Letter 2025pdf, 93.6 KB Latest News 23rd November 2022Green-fingered Students in School Garden ClubAn update from our green-fingered gurus in the School Garden Club, who continue to keep the school’s grounds immaculate. The garden, at the back of the Quad and Library building,…Read More23rd November 2022Duke of Edinburgh AchievementsA massive congratulations to our Year 10 students who successfully completed their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh’s Award on the weekend of 22nd October. The students navigated through Ashworth Valley for…Read More23rd November 2022Students Given Crash Course in Military LifeMiddleton Technology School students across two year groups were given a crash course in military life throughout this fortnight. A collection of eager Year 10 students spent Wednesday 5th October…Read More12th September 2022Summer Sporting Round-upAn update on two of the school’s star athletes, already highlighted last month. We are delighted to report that both Niamh and Dindu – our 75m hurdler and 100m sprinter…Read More12th September 2022Go Go Go for F1 in Schools teamIt’s almost lights out and away we go as Middleton Technology School’s F1 in Schools team are all prepared for race day in July! The team have given up their…Read More12th September 2022University of Salford Campus Life..Year 9 students spent Tuesday 14th June taking in campus life with a whirlwind tour of the University of Salford. Spending time in a lecture theatre learning about the higher…Read More12th September 2022Sporting Round-upCongratulations to our Year 7 and 8 Athletic teams, both of whom prevailed victorious from May’s Rochdale Schools Quadkids Athletics events at Kingsway Park School. A team-based competition which sees…Read More12th September 2022Students Taste the DifferenceMiddleton Technology School’s culinary creatives attended a mouth-watering Hospitality Industry Taster Day at Manchester College on Tuesday 10th May. With the opportunity to watch live cooking demonstrations, as well as…Read More2nd May 2022Reading Stars Shine in EnglishKey Stage 3 students received lovingly-crafted seasonal gifts pre-holidays as reward for a showcase of brilliant reading. A set of Easter chicks, each containing a Cadbury’s Crème Egg, were hand-knitted…Read More2nd May 2022Students explore the culture and historic richness of France.Year 8 and 9 students had the experience of a lifetime during the first week of their Easter break, exploring the capital, culture and historic richness of France. A late…Read More2nd May 2022Careers Network Event for Year 9 StudentsThe Careers Department were delighted to welcome back the hugely popular Speed Networking Event to school on Wednesday 5th April. A two-year pandemic-related absence meant that this year’s event was…Read More2nd May 2022Netflix Competition for Technology StudentsThe Technology Department organised a ‘Making Fun’ contest in early April, and couldn’t have been more impressed and excited with all entries received. Based on the popular Netflix show where…Read More24th March 2022Youngsters Enjoy F1 Engineering ChallengeYear 10 Middleton Technology School students took an inspirational designing pit stop at Manchester Metropolitan University as they participated in the Formula 1 Schools Challenge. The team learned about a host…Read More7th March 2022Champions League Winner Michael Carrick Visits MiddletonStudents and local youngsters were treated to a surprise welcome by former Manchester United midfielder and Champions League winner, Michael Carrick. Weekly regulars to the Streets Red football programme, run…Read More21st February 2022Sports Teams Thrive in Football & Handball TournamentsThe Year 7 Girls footballers made an outstanding outdoor competition debut at Cardinal Langley, with seven wins and just one draw on Thursday 3rd February. To make the performance even…Read More11th February 2022Coding Challenge Leads to the University of OxfordStudents celebrated Computer Science Week before the break by taking part in the Hour of Code. The largest learning event in history, Hour of Code afforded students the opportunity to…Read More11th February 2022Triple Celebration for Sports TeamsCongratulations to the Year 7 Basketball team, who took the runners-up spot in the Rochdale Schools final round of games. With six wins and just one loss, the team finished…Read More13th December 2021Excellence Awards for Year 7 and 8 StudentsThe last fortnight has seen the school’s very first Bronze Excellence Awards celebrated in Year 7 and Year 8 Assemblies. Bestowed to students who have collected over 100 Excellence Points…Read More13th December 2021Student Selected for England SquadA huge MTS well done to Year 11 Tyler Derbyshire, who has been selected for the England national squad in next year’s IMMAF Junior World Championships. Tyler’s amazing achievement came…Read More13th December 2021Armed Forces Provide Team BuildingThe school welcomed members of the Armed Forces for a team-building day-long event with Year 9 and 10 students. Organised by the Manchester United Foundation, the day provided students with…Read More13th December 2021Former Student Shines as Professional FootballerA huge congratulations to Matthew Kosylo, a former Middleton Technology School student who scored two goals over the weekend for Altrincham FC in the National Football League. After starting out…Read More13th December 2021Students Learn about Russell Group UniversitiesMiddleton Technology School students embarked on an inspirational morning looking at university life. Five of our Year 9 students spent a fruitful few hours at Hollingworth Academy sampling a taste…Read More13th December 2021Open Evening Attracts 900 FamiliesChildren from current Year 5 and 6 primary schools were given guided tours around the school buildings by our fabulous student leaders, taking in the different curriculum areas with their…Read More13th December 2021Year 8 Student Crowned as Junior European ChampionElliot McDermott in Year 8 was crowned as Junior European Champion at a prestigious tournament in Wolverhampton. Taking part in the +65 kilo category in his 12-13 age range, Elliot…Read More13th December 2021Sporting Success From the Start of Term!Our Year 7 Football team played their first-ever game on Wednesday 22nd September. With a 7-3 win over Wardle, the boys played some fantastic football and demonstrated a squad with…Read More13th September 2021Musicians invited to International FestivalOur super-talented Year 11 leavers, Minh Thuc Nguyen and Maya Vilciu, took to the stage at the Manchester International Festival Talent Showcase. One of eight acts from schools across Greater…Read More13th September 2021Students Participate in Dragons’ STEM ChallengeA selection of Middleton Technology School students spent the term before the summer holidays busily and creatively competing in the MTS Dragons’ STEM challenge. Working with our friends at RODO,…Read More