School Uniform
The observation of our uniform policy gives the school a greater standing in the community and instills a sense of pride in the students.
The uniform is practical, widely available and involves the minimum expense for our parents.
- School Blazer with Middleton crest.
- Black MTS school skirt (maximum of 2 inches above knee) or
- Standard cut black school trousers, (not leggings or slim fit/hipster trousers, no jeans).
- School jumper or tank top (optional)
- White school shirt (long or short sleeved, not fitted or blouse style).
- Year 7-10 Tie (black with stripes in colours of Middleton Crest – green, red, silver).
- Black short socks or tights (no knee or over-knee socks).
Sensible all black shoes without coloured laces or trim. No trainers, converse or pump style shoes. Shoes must have a definite shoe-type sole, not a pump or trainer-style sole. (If in doubt, please check with school before purchasing).
Physical Education (PE Kit)
- Black/green polo top with school crest and/or black/green ¼ zip long sleeve top with school crest
- Black sports shorts with school crest, black tracksuit pants or black sports leggings
- Trainers (or appropriate footwear, for example football boots)
Whilst football boots are optional, they are recommended for activities that take place on the school field such as cross-country, rounders, football, rugby and athletics.
NO VANS or CONVERSE are to be worn for PE lessons.
Our suppliers of school uniforms are:
Broadbent’s of Middleton
65 Long Street, First Floor
M24 6UN
0161 643 5193
Moses Rochdale
21-23 Oldham Road
OL16 1UA
Tel: 01706 644447
Please visit the website below
Don’t forget our Uniform Swap!
Thank you so much to all of the parents who have donated outgrown or unused uniform.
Donating uniform: This can be dropped to Miss Moulton in the student or visitor reception.