Student Expectations
If the school is to run effectively as a community then all our students must keep to the Code of Conduct. The one rule for all is that everyone acts with courtesy and consideration to others at all times. Significant breaches of our Code of Conduct will be viewed very seriously and may result in a fixed term or permanent exclusion.
Code of Conduct
Middleton Technology is a Rights Respecting school. Our Code of Conduct is underpinned by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of a Child. We believe that everyone should enjoy their rights and be willing to take on their responsibilities.
Our school is an outstanding school and we expect all our students to follow the Code of Conduct.
One important rule is that everyone will use their manners and have consideration towards others at all times.
This means that:
Everybody has the right to learn. This means arriving on time with everything you need for that lesson; beginning and ending the lesson in an orderly and polite way; listening carefully; following instructions; helping each other when required and being sensible at all times. (Article 29 + 23)
You are entitled to an opinion, but you should always try to understand other people’s points of view. (Article 14)
For your safety, you should move sensibly and quietly about school. This means never running, barging or shouting. You should be ready to open doors, stand back to let people pass and help to carry things. In crowded areas please keep to the left. (Article 6)
For everybody’s safety, you should speak politely (even if you feel-bad-tempered) and use a low voice. (Article 16)
To stay healthy you should keep the school clean and tidy so that it is a welcoming place we can all be proud of. This means putting all litter in the bin, keeping walls and furniture clean and unmarked and taking great care of the displays, particularly other people’s work. (Article 24)
Out of school, walking locally or with a school group, you must always remember that the school’s reputation depends on how you behave. (Article 31 & 36)
Articles are taken from the United Nations Convention on the Rights of a Child (UNCRC). Information about children’s rights can be found at
Our Mission “In Pursuit of Excellence”
We want each and every child to live up to our values showing us that they have the Determination to succeed at school. To be Respectful both in their home life and within the school community. To strive for Excellence academically so that they will leave school with the highest level of Achievement and with a Mastery of all basic skills and qualities needed for a working life.
Holidays in Term Time
The Government has very much hardened its stance on absence and is now saying any absence is bad for a child whether it is due to authorised circumstances or not. This is particularly the case with holidays, thus from, no term time holidays will be authorised.
Parents or carers who find themselves in very exceptional circumstances regarding holidays may request authorised absence but the decision to authorise absence is at my discretion and will not exceed 5 days.
There is a very strong link between high attendance and high achievement. As a result, if your child’s attendance or punctuality drops below our targets then you will be expected to attend one of our half termly attendance/ punctuality panels which are supported with our Educational Welfare Officer (EWO). This panel will allow us to work together to ensure attendance is improved and academic progress is back on track.
Finally, any child who falls below 90% attendance is classed as a Persistent Absentee and will be immediately passed on to the EWO and pursued vigorously by all means available to the school.
A further note to parents:
It is important that you realise that the school is very disciplined to ensure that students achieve. We expect high standards from all who are involved in its working.
We ask for your support for our policies and code of conduct. You must expect a response from us if your child does not come to school with the necessary equipment or does not comply with our uniform policy. Clothes that are not part of the official school uniform, e.g. caps, neckwarmers, denim jackets, hooded jumpers, trainers or anything that we consider to be “street culture” may be confiscated.
Extreme hairstyles and facial/body piercings are not permitted. For more details please see the school’s uniform policy. We do not expect your child to be out of school at any time, including lunchtime, unless you have previously contacted school and the Head teacher has approved it.