Student Support

Our wide ranging support networks are available to students throughout their five-year journey at the school.
Form Tutors
Students are placed within a mixed ability Year 7 tutor group and where possible, students are grouped with a few children from their primary school and also mixed with others to encourage the building of new friendships.
Students will be taught Life Education, Cultural Studies, Music, Art and Drama as a form group. Each tutor group has their own form tutor and they will be the first member of staff your child sees each day for registration and form time. The form tutor will support your child during transition and throughout their years at Middleton, celebrating successes and achievements, big or small.
The form tutor will ensure that your child is fully prepared for the day ahead and will facilitate daily activities such as mental maths, reading, news quizzes and inter-form activities.
Learning and Progress Coordinator (LPC)
The Learning and Progress Co-ordinator is a teacher with additional responsibility for the pastoral welfare of the students in their year group. They will continue to support the year group as they move through the school.
The Learning and Progress Co-ordinator will support students and their parents/carers to address any worries and concerns with regards to issues around safeguarding, behaviour and attendance. They work closely with a Learning and Progress Mentor to give your child the best chances of success.
Learning and Progress Mentor (LPM)
The Learning and Progress Mentor is a non-teaching member of staff with a specific role to support the pastoral welfare of the students in their year group. Learning and Progress Mentors provide support and guidance to children and young people who may be experiencing difficulties in learning due to social, emotional or behavioural problems or other issues. They will work hard to ensure that students have a smooth transition to secondary school and maintain close communication with parents and carers to support this move.
If you need to talk with your child’s tutor or member of our learning and mentor team, we will welcome the opportunity but as our form tutors are teaching staff, we recommend making an appointment via the school office on 0161 643 5116.
Alternatively, any queries can be sent via email to, where they will be forwarded to the relevant staff members.

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
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