At Middleton Technology School we believe that the curriculum should reflect the needs of our students in supporting them to make exceptional progress and be work/college ready.
At Middleton Technology School we believe that the curriculum should reflect the needs of our students in equipping them with the essential skills and academic achievements they need to thrive when they leave our school.
Our curriculum is a knowledge-enabled curriculum. The foundations are built on a deep and broad knowledge base where students will acquire information and learn effective strategies for remembering it. Armed with a firm grasp of subject knowledge our pupils will develop skills in application of knowledge. They will develop effective written and verbal communication skills that allow them to articulate their views and show respect for the views of others. Students reading skills will also be developed to ensure they become independent and confident readers. Our students will grow in both independence and resilience as the culture of learning from mistakes and improving work grows across the five years.
Our curriculum is supported by a range of experiences, both curricular and extra-curricular that enriches academic development and personal growth. From subject specific learning experiences to sports teams and performing arts clubs our curriculum is a school-wide approach that extends beyond the classroom for every student regardless of background or circumstance. We ensure that all of our pupils have access to extra curricular activities and some of our highlights include Formula One Club, Jewellery Making Club, Gardening Club and DJing Club. We have a musical school production each year as well as a music festival and have been awarded a Gold Award Art Mark by the Arts Council England for our excellent work in the arts across school. We also have a Gold standard in the School Games Mark for our commitment and engagement in the School Games.
In some cases students need additional support in literacy or numeracy, where this is the case our curriculum is designed to help them catch up. Pastoral care also sits at the heart of our curriculum. We believe in “someone for everyone” i.e. every child in our school will have at least one. Strong working relationships between staff and students underpin everything we aim to do through the curriculum.
Our curriculum is designed to:
- Develop skills, build knowledge and secure understanding
- Retain such knowledge and skills in our students long term memories
- Enthuse and inspire students in both academic disciplines and as lifelong independent learners
- Generate ambition for pupils to be the best that they can be
- Promote and nurture academic excellence
- Allows teachers to teach with passion and creativity
In order to assess how students have understood and remembered curriculum content we use both formative and summative assessment. Formative assessment is predominantly used to check that students have acquired and can recall the appropriate knowledge. Summative assessment is used to check on progress in application of key knowledge and the demonstration of deeper understanding.
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Additional Subjects
Key Stage 3
Our three year key stage curriculum is designed to be a broad curriculum that enthuses and inspires our learners, epitomises academic excellence and prepares them to thrive in life after school. The curriculum remains broad for the duration of key stage three for all students. We believe that the range of subjects studied at key stage three supports the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of our students. Our key stage three offer builds confidence in our young people and allows for the development of individual personalities alongside academics that are ready to specialise in subjects in which they excel and enjoy at key stage four.
Key Stage 4
During the spring term of Year 9 students will make choices for the courses that they will study in Year 11.
All students study core subjects of English, Maths and Science. Everyone will also study Life Education, Cultural Studies (Religious Education) and PE which continue to promote the physical and emotional wellbeing of our students as they prepare for work and college. All students opt to study Geography or History (and some students choose to study both).
Engineering, Food and Design Technology along with other vocational subjects (BTEC Health and Social Care and BTEC Sport) are popular with our students at key stage four, the majority of our students who go on to study through an apprenticeship or level 3 BTEC have studied these courses at key stage four. For more information about subject specific courses/curriculum please contact our Curriculum Leads below
English Literature (mtsdcarter@middtech.com)
English Language (mtsdcarter@middtech.com)
Mathematics (mtsedavies@middtech.com)
Combined Science (mtshhayes@middtech.com)
Triple Science (mtshhayes@middtech.com)
History (mtsjswift@middtech.com)
Geography (mtsSKinniburgh@middtech.com)
German (mtsdlane@middtech.com)
Religious Studies (mtsflowe@middtech.com)
Computer Science (mtsabriggs@middtech.com)
Music (mtsmhayes@middtech.com)
Drama (mtsedaly@middtech.com)
Art (mtsCPlowright@middtech.com)
Sport Studies (mtsnpalmer@middtech.com)
Health and Social Care (mtslmcnie@middtech.com)
Business and Enterprise (mtsCBird@middtech.com)
Remote Learning
Our pupils all have access to Microsoft 365 and each of their classes has a group via Microsoft Teams where they can access classwork and communicate with their teachers. They are able to study independently outside of the classroom by using our learning platforms which include Maths Watch, Reading Plus and Languagenut to support their homework and any extra work they may wish to do.
For more information about any subject in each year group please use the links below:
Year 7 (padlet.org)
Year 8 (padlet.org)
Year 9 (padlet.org)
Year 10 (padlet.org)

Remote Learning Provision
To see how the school is providing remote learning for students