Careers Education
“Careers Education” and “Information, Advice and Guidance” by definition is a means of developing a young person’s knowledge, understanding, confidence and skills that they need to make well- informed, thought through choices and plans that enable them to progress smoothly into further learning and work, now and in the future.
Our CEIAG team members:
- CEIAG SLT Lead – Claire Narayanan – Tel: 0161 6435116 – mtsCNarayanan@middtech.com
- CEIAG Coordinator – Dan Gooding – Tel: 0161 6435116 – mtsdgooding@middtech.com
- Positive Steps Careers Advisor – Anna Tyborczyk – Tel 0161 6435116 – annatyborczyk@positive-steps.org.uk
- Positive Steps Careers Advisor – Daniela Petrillo – Tel 0161 6435116 – danielapetrillo@positive-steps.org.uk
- Enterprise Advisor – Enterprise Advisor – Tel 0161 3716487 – Sarah.Pritchard@rodo.co.uk
- Lead Teacher for GEIAG – Osian Strello Tel:0161 6435116 – mtsostrello@middtech.com
For general careers enquiries please contact – careers@middtech.com
Our Aims
The Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) is a means of providing all our young people with personalised support on learning and work pathways such as GCSE/A Levels, T Levels, Traineeships, Apprenticeships and Employment with training especially with Year 9 options and Post 16 destinations. Also, through IAG our students will receive support on other key issues that impact on their ability to develop and progress for instance personal wellbeing, ability to reflect on yourself, explore opportunities and manage a positive work life balance. The school are working towards fully achieving all 8 Gatsby benchmarks by July 2024 – As of December 2023 six of the benchmarks are fully in place.
Your Role as Partners in Our Programme
- Teachers and School Staff – To provide learners with opportunities to discover and learn about careers and employability, engage with the wider business community and with employers inside and outside of the classroom. To link schemes of learning with the world of work and, as mentors, to discuss experiences, skills development and progression with students and help signpost them to the CEIAG team. Each department has its own “Careers Champion” who co-ordinates and oversees these subject specific opportunities
- Students – To engage with CEIAG events and learning opportunities, ask questions, research using Xello for example and discover all they can about future opportunities. To attend one to one interviews with the CEIAG team at key points in key stage 3 and key stage 4. To make use of the drop in opportunities at break and lunch times. Each student will have the opportunity to meet with our Positive Steps Career Adviser at key transition points. Students will devise and have access to their own individual careers action plan.
- Parents/Carers – To be aware of the CEIAG calendar and engage in the events and discussions about careers, progression and opportunities. To use the CEIAG resources listed on the website and Padlet to support their young person in making key decisions. To contact the CEIAG team with any questions or concerns.
- Employers and the wider community – We are keen to engage with employers and the wider community to support our delivery of CEIAG and work with our Enterprise Advisor who works for Rodo Ltd. If you could support the school either by helping with a CEIAG event at the school such as our Careers Networking Event, by offering a visit at your place of work or by offering work experience.
Careers, Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (C.E.I.A.G) Provision
The fast changing world of work demands that as a school we aim to support all our students in making a successful transition from education to employment. In addition, we assist our young people to identify and embark on careers opportunities that will unlock their full potential. Our provision also endeavours to promote equality of opportunity and challenges stereotypes enabling every student the relevant pathways to manage and pursue which ever future career they desire. Our school vision is for all students to be college and work ready by the age of 16 when they leave MTS.
The CEIAG provision at MTS aims to reinforce this vision.
The provider access legislation (occasionally referred to as the ‘Baker Clause’) requires all schools and academies to provide opportunities for a range of education and training providers to access all year 8 to 13 pupils to inform them about approved technical education qualifications and apprenticeships. Our provision at Middleton Technology School meets this clause and is guided by the Gatsby Benchmark.
Our programme is guided by the 2021 Careers Statutory Guidance and places at its heart the eight Gatsby benchmarks. These eight standards are seen as the blue print for what a high quality careers programme should look like. Throughout a student’s career at MTS they will have a vast array of careers related events, experiences and encounters in order to develop their aspirations and career wellbeing.
Overall to satisfy the benchmarks our students will:
- Have access to a stable and structured careers programme that is continually evaluated.
- By the age of 14 (Yr9) have accessed and used information about careers pathways and labour market information to inform future study options.
- Be able to access systematic records of advice and targets.
- By the age of 14 (Yr9) have had the opportunity to learn how STEM subjects help support people gain entry to a wide range of careers.
- Participate in at least one meaningful encounter with an employer every year from 7-11.
- By the age of 16 (Yr11) have had at least one experience of a workplace.
- By the age of 16 (Yr11) have had a meaningful encounter with a provider of the full range of learning opportunities.
- By the age of 16 (Yr11) have had at least one interview with a specialist careers advisor
Key Stage 3 Careers
All Students are introduced to Careers Education through Life Education lessons, form sessions, planned events, assemblies and have access to the CEIAG team through drop-in sessions.
Activities include:
- Careers Co-ordinator or Career Adviser available to discuss future plans and options.
- Pathways evening to explore options for GCSE.
- Form time careers discussions.
- Life Education lessons on researching careers and labour market information.
- Presentations on Further and Higher Education and opportunities for University trips.
- Careers Networking event allowing students to talk to a range of professionals.
- Opportunity for Y9 parents to meet Team IAG at parents evening.
Key Stage 4 Careers
All Students continue their Careers Education through Life Education lessons and have access to the CEIAG team through drop-in sessions. Every student will have an interview by a Positive Steps Careers Advisor for Information, advice and guidance in both Y10 and 11. We also have extra support and guidance from positive Steps for our SEND students.
Activities include:
- A-level taster days at Sixth form colleges.
- Vocational course taster days at FE Colleges.
- Y11 parents Post 16 Information Evening
- Post 16 provider fair with a wide range of local colleges, Sixth Forms and apprenticeship providers.
- Experiences of work eg. Workplace safaris.
- Opportunity for parents to meet Team IAG at parents evening.
- Apprenticeship Fair.
- College Assemblies.
- Support for college, apprenticeship and employment application process.
- Drop in sessions with Positive Steps and IAG.
- Targeted and requested interviews.
- Apprenticeship workshops and interviews.
- Presentations on Higher Education and opportunities for University visits.
- Careers trips and events.
Raising the Participation Age
In 2013 the Government increased the age to which all young people in England are required to continue in education or training to 18.
This does not mean young people must stay in school. They will able to choose from:
- Full-time education (eg at a school or college).
- An apprenticeship or traineeship.
- Part-time education or training combined with one of the following:
- Employment or self-employment for 20 hours or more.
- A week volunteering for 20 hours or more a week.
Measuring the Impact of our Careers Provision
MTS benefits from support from our Rochdale Enterprise Mentor from the Greater Manchester Combined Authority to ensure we provide effective Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance which meets all the criteria of the Gatsby Benchmarks and government statutory guidance. We meet regularly to complete Compass evaluations and discuss ways in which our careers programme can be improved. We also have been re-accredited once again with the Inspiring IAG Award for Quality in Careers Standards. This creates a national level of standardisation for our careers provision at MTS.
Our career events are evaluated internally with student questionnaires, responses are then considered to make future improvements, and inform new events.
To further evaluate our careers programme we give our stakeholders the opportunity to provide feedback and new ideas to the careers team, we use this feedback to continually improve our careers provision to students.
•Parents – evaluation questionnaire
•Employers/Providers – evaluation questionnaire and opportunity to support our careers programme
•Teachers – teachers are consulted internally regarding the support they require to fully understand their role in the careers programme.
Along with our internal and external careers evaluation, the following data is also used to measure the impact of our careers curriculum:
•Destinations data
•Exam results
•Rochdale Management Information
•Progress data
The next review of the MTS careers programme will take place in September 2024.
Our current Gatsby Benchmark progress can be viewed using this link –
Results | Compass (careersandenterprise.co.uk)
Supporting Documents